Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day #94

My friend Christina stopped by the house with me around noon, after we had lunch. It almost didn't seem like they were working on anything, but there were two guys there. Up in the rafters. (I didn't take their picture.) This is what they were putting in.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day #92

this was at 1pm today. so hopefully it'll look much different tomorrow.

Sunday, Jan 27

derek wanted to stop by sunday morning to see what had been done saturday, so we popped over to look before heading out to the grocery store...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Day #89

Finally! There were people working on the house this afternoon when Mom and I stopped by after going to Babies R Us. I had stopped by earlier in the morning (after Dashiell and I went to Walmart) around 9:00 and there was noone there.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day #87

I stopped by afterschool and I saw the giant crane on the street.

We tried coming back 2 hours later with Dashiell (who would've LOVED to see the crane), but they were gone already. =(

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day #83

Derek and I stopped by on Sunday, and this was the only thing that I hadn't noticed before...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day #80

I don't think anyone was there today ...still waiting for the roof truss??
But I did manage to take a picture of the front yard sans debris. The bathtub and garage door are still there. I keep telling Derek to check with them to make sure that they are going to replace it, but he hasn't yet...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day #79

Drove by the house afterschool...saw a big truck in the front, and it looked like they were hauling away the debris that had been collecting in the front yard. There was no good way for me to get a picture, so I just left.
Guess we're still waiting on the roof. Derek said they were supposed to have worked on the electrical and plumbing...but I didn't go check for that or anything. So I suppose it could've been done.
I just didn't see any cars or activity the last few days when I stopped by.
Maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day #75

dashiell was asleep in the car after the ucla bb game today.

Day #74

So I stopped by the house yesterday before noon (I had to leave school to get my cell phone from home--that's a whole other story) and the older model honda accord was in the driveway this time. I could see two guys by the car in the driveway, so I thought I'd get out and ask what they were working on. Yesterday, I actually stopped by as well, and saw that same car and the gate was a little bit ajar, but I couldn't tell anything was going on, so I just left. After telling Derek about it later, he call 7 Construction and Dafneh mentioned something about waiting for the roof-truss people. So we guesses that they were waiting for the roof.
This time, I figured I'd try and ask. He said that he was the electrician and he had been working for the last 2 days (which I believed, from what I had seen--or rather, not seen). So I guess that explains it.
Derek's only question was why he wouldn't wait for the roof to be done first. I have no idea. He was in the garage when I saw him, though. Maybe later today (Saturday) we'll stop by and check out and see what kinds of electrical stuff has been put in.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day #72

Derek met me at the house yesterday afternoon so he could go look at the closets upstairs in the family room. I didn't notice any major changes, so I just took a few.This is the view of the rubbish in the front yard from the family room upstairs.
This is the view from one of the boys' rooms. Across the way is the titanium-clad public library.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Day #70

not sure if they worked on the house today...i was there about 2pm and noone was there at all. very quiet; and it didn't look like they had just left to go eat or get something...

Monday, January 7, 2008

Day #70: Stairs

a little after 2pm, a guy was cutting out the stairs:a little after 5pm, the stair were there. well, mostly.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day #68

Stopped by yesterday, but didn't seem to have noticed any change, so I didn't take any pictures. It was supposed to rain yesterday, but it didn't start until way later in the evening. Today, after stopping off in the Towne Center, we stopped by just to check really quickly. They were were there! There was actually a pick-up truck with 2 guys in it who told me that they were on their way to the store to get a drill, and then would be back. Cool!
This is my guess: They didn't work yesterday because they thought the rain would hit, but it didn't until later, so a day was wasted. Therefore they had to show up today in case it didn't rain. Who knows?! But they were there!
It looked like they were going to start working on the stairs. Woo-hoo!
We'll probably stop by tomorrow sometime (if it's not raining) to survey what they did today.